Church Groups

Ruth Circle
All Ladies Welcome! We meet the 3rd Tuesday each month at 1:00 pm.

Salt Group
A group for young women to grow closer to God. Join us, we meet the 1st Monday of each month.

Meets every Sunday before church at KT’s Diner at 8:00 pm. Come join us today!

Youth Group

It’s for teens from 7th-12th grade! We meet every Wednesday
at TGIW (Thank God It’s Wednesday).

Children’s Groups

Twists and Turns – Sunday School Grades K – 5th Grade

From September through May the children will have their Sunday school class during the worship service and experience the stories of Peter and Jesus that are aimed at their level. The first Sunday of each month is communion Sunday and the children will start in their Sunday School class doing their Service project and learning about missionaries. They will then return to the service to receive Holy Communion with their families. Each month the church holds a free community dinner.  At this dinner the guests always receive a “gift” from our children and youth. During the Service Project time the children and youth will create the gift to be given that month.

Kidz Kits – All Ages

From May to September (During the summer) the children will be in service and given a Kidz Kit that contains a bible story, lesson, activities and challenges to help kids grow closer to God.

Children K-6th Grade
Simply Loved Bible Study group at TGIW that meets every Wednesday.

*Nursery Care for Infants and Toddlers is available Sundays & Wednesdays.