TGIW– An Evening of Food, Fun, and Fellowship! The evening begins with a Lite Supper from 5:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. After that, classes for Preschool, Elementary Children (K-6), Youth (7-12), and Adults will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last until 7:30 p.m.
Spend some family time together learning about GOD! It will refresh your week and leave you ready to face tomorrow!
*Nursery care is provided.
Numbers-Learning contentment in a culture of more. Adult Women Only
With Pastor Amy Kuhlman
Imagine being on the verge of realizing all your dreams, but all you can focus on is how long it took to get where you are. It’s hard to relate to the story in the Book of Numbers about a group of people who wandered in the desert for forty years, unable to enter the Promised Land because of their grumbling and complaining…until we take a closer look at ourselves. In this six-week women’s Bible study, you’ll learn how God can fill the ache inside of you and help you focus on faith in the midst of life’s joys and pains.
The Purple Book Adult – Dave Harmon
What exactly is The Purple Book??
The Purple Book is a Bible study designed to help believers know and apply the essential beliefs of Christianity. From students and scholars to parents, kids, rock stars, and professional athletes, people all over the world are doing The Purple Book. And it’s the book the Newsboys give away at every concert! Why? Because it gives new believers and longtime followers of Jesus the foundation, they need to grow strong in the Christian life.
Adult – Vickie Ehresman
The evening will start with a session of Cardio Drumming using YouTube as our guide. Then we will move to a devotion and conversation time where we look at our lives and see how we can be more respectful of “our” temple of God.
This class is on Wednesdays starting, September 20th at 1:00 pm. Make a deeper connection to the world of the Psalms so that these well-known scriptures can help you give voice to all aspects of our human experience-joy, faith, uncertainty, and sorrow. From its opening lines to its closing verse, the Book of Psalms gives expression in a remarkably broad range of praise, thanksgiving, and lamentation. This is an 8-week study.
Children & Youth Classes
YOUTH GROUP – The 13 Most important Bible Lessons for Teenagers
Sarah Fields, Nat Kolling, (7th – 12th)
Students who’ve experienced the Bible’s great truths, not just read about them, can walk through their lives with a firm foundation under their feet. They know what they believe and why, and they feel a lot more comfortable in situations that are challenging to their faith. The lessons will plunge your teenagers into the beautiful basics: the reality of God in the world, the truth about who Jesus really is, and why all of us need a “Good Shepherd” to find us and reclaim us.
Tina Harmon and Savannah Fields
For Children in Kindergarten through grade 6, we will continue to use the curriculum Simply Loved, which teaches children how to love God and each other. We will discover and understand that God is good no matter what, that God takes care of us, and that Jesus rescues us. Through games, activities, music, and Bible stories, we will learn about Israel’s Wanderings and Wonderings (God Guides Us); The Promised Land (God Helps Us Be Brave); and Jesus Shows He’s God’s Promised Son (Jesus is God’s Son).
PRESCHOOL & NURSERY – Pam Korpik and Team
Our Nursery will provide childcare for children from birth through 2-year-olds. The Preschool (3 through Pre-K) children will learn about our loving God through songs, play, and crafts.